MB “Apdailos Spektras” 

Rules for buying and selling goods 


1. Concepts 

1.1. Seller – MB “Apdailos spektras”, company code 304936302, VAT payer code LT100012045019, reg . Santariškių st. 1 09A-17, LT-08465 Vilnius, e-mail e-mail address:  info@suspensionfellas.com. 

1.2. Buyer – an active natural or legal person who has purchased goods in the online store www.suspensionfellas.com . 

1.3. Website – the website owned by the Seller and managed by the Seller, at the address www.suspensionfellas.com. 

1.4. Rulesthese rules, which apply to each of the Buyer’s purchases on the website and regulate the Buyer’s and Seller’s rights, obligations, product prices, payment procedures, terms, delivery, product quality guarantee, return and exchange of goods, Buyer and Seller’s liability issues.  


2. General provisions 

2.1. After the Buyer familiarizes himself with the Rules and approves them (by ticking the active window next to the statement “ I have read and agree to the terms and conditions “), these Rules become a binding legal document for the Buyer and the Seller, which regulates the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, when purchasing goods and paying for them conditions, order of delivery and return of goods, responsibility of the parties and other provisions related to the purchase and sale of goods on the website www.suspensionfellas.com. 

2.2. The seller reserves the right to change, amend or add to the Rules at any time, taking into account the requirements established by legal acts. Buyers are informed about changes, corrections or additions to the Rules on the main page of the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com . 

2.3. The Buyer must familiarize himself with the Privacy Policy approved by the Seller. The Buyer expresses consent or disagreement with specific ways of using the Buyer’s Personal Data in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Privacy Policy.  

2.4. If the Seller has the right or obligation to provide documents or information to the Buyer by e-mail, in all cases the Buyer is responsible for providing the Seller with a working e-mail address belonging to the Buyer. 


3. Protection of personal data 

3.1. The buyer can order goods on the website www.suspensionfellas.com without registering on this website. 

3.2. When ordering goods, the buyer must specify his/her personal data necessary for the proper fulfillment of the goods order in the relevant information fields provided by the Seller: name, surname, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address. 

3.3. By approving these Rules, the buyer agrees that his personal data will be processed for the purposes of selling goods and services on the website www.suspensionfellas.com. 

3.4. The buyer, agreeing to have his personal data processed for the purpose of selling goods and services on the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com , also agrees to send informational messages to the e-mail address and phone number indicated by him, which are necessary to fulfill the order for goods. 

3. 5 . The Seller confirms that the personal data specified by the Buyer will be processed only for the purpose of selling goods and services in the online store www.suspensionfellas.com and analyzing the Seller’s activities. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s personal data to third parties, with the exception of the Seller’s partners who provide goods delivery or other services related to the proper fulfillment of the Buyer’s order. In all other cases, the Buyer’s personal data may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the procedure provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania . 

3.6. In order to evaluate the quality of the goods purchased by the Buyer, the Buyer may be contacted by e-mail after the order has been fulfilled. by mail and please leave feedback and evaluate the purchased product. 


4. The moment of conclusion of the purchase-sale contract 

4.1. The buyer can claim the goods in the following ways: 

4.1.1. by registering online on the website www.suspensionfellas.com; 

4.1.2. online without registering on the website www.suspensionfellas.com. 

4.2. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller is considered to have been concluded from the moment when the Buyer , after selecting the item(s) to be purchased and creating a shopping cart, clicks on the “Pay” link and when the Seller, having contacted the Buyer by phone or e mail specified by him, by mail, confirms the order by sending a letter to the e-mail specified by the Buyer. by mail about the order confirmation. 

4.3. Each purchase-sale contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is registered and stored in the database of the online store www.suspensionfellas.com. 


5. Buyer’s rights 

5.1. The buyer has the right to purchase goods on the www.suspensionfellas.com website in accordance with these Rules. 

5.2. The buyer has the right to get acquainted with his personal data and the right to demand the correction of incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate personal data by writing an e-mail to email  info@suspensionfellas.com. In such a case, the Seller must implement the Buyer’s request immediately (within 1-2 working days).   

5.3. The buyer has the right to refuse the contract for the purchase and sale of goods concluded with the seller on the website www.suspensionfellas.com, by notifying Parda vējui in writing (by e-mail, specifying the item to be returned and its order number) no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day of delivery of the goods. The costs of returning the goods are borne by the Buyer. The product return form is submitted by the Seller to the Buyer after receiving the Buyer’s request to return the product.  

5.4. The buyer’s right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase and sale of goods is implemented in accordance with Article 6.228 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, Article 10 “Right of consumers to withdraw from distance contracts and contracts concluded off-premises” and 2014. July 22 By the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania no. 738 of the approved “Rules of Retail Trade”. 

5.5. The buyer can use the right to refuse the purchase of goods – sales contract only if all the provisions of Rule 12.5 are met. the conditions provided for in point 

5.6. The buyer, who has purchased a product of inadequate quality from the Seller’s online store www.suspensionfellas.com, has the right to: 1) require the Seller to remove the item’s defects free of charge; 2) require the Seller to replace a product of inadequate quality with a product of suitable quality free of charge; 3) require the Seller to reduce the price accordingly; 4) unilaterally terminate the contract and demand the return of the paid amount.  


6. Obligations of the buyer 

6.1. The buyer must pay for the goods and accept them in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules. 

6.2. If the data provided in the Buyer’s order form changes, he must immediately inform the Seller about them. 

6.3. The buyer, using the Seller’s online store www.suspensionfellas.com, undertakes to comply with these Rules and other conditions clearly indicated in the online store and not to violate the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. 


7. Seller’s Rights 

7.1. If the Buyer tries to harm the stability and security of the website or violates his obligations, the Seller has the right to immediately and without warning limit or suspend his ability to use the website www.suspensionfellas.com or, in exceptional cases, cancel the Buyer’s registration. 

7.2. In the event of important circumstances, the Seller may temporarily or completely terminate the operation of the website www.suspensionfellas.com without notifying the Buyer in advance. 

7. 3 . If the Seller is unable to fulfill the order in a timely and proper manner for important reasons, the Seller reserves the right to change the delivery conditions and time, or to cancel the order by immediately informing the Buyer and returning the payment, if the Buyer has paid it. 


8. Obligations of the seller 

8.1. The Seller undertakes to enable the Buyer to use the services provided by the online store www.suspensionfellas.com under the conditions set out in these Rules and on the website www.suspensionfelllas.com . 

8.2. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer’s privacy right to his personal information, i.e. i.e. The personal data specified by the buyer shall be processed only in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Rules and the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 

8.3. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by him under the conditions specified in Chapter 10 of the Rules. 

8.4. The Seller, unable to deliver the ordered goods to the Buyer due to important circumstances, undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 5 (five) working days, if prepayment was made. 

8.5. After the buyer uses Rule 5.3. the right provided for in point 5.5 of the Rules. clause, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) calendar days , counted from the day of receipt of the returned goods. 


9. Product prices, payment procedure and terms 

9.1. The prices of goods in the online store and in the formed order are indicated in euros. 

9.2. The buyer pays for the goods by bank transfer. 

9. 3 . VAT invoices – invoices indicate the goods selected by the Buyer, their quantity, discounts granted, the final price of the goods, including all taxes, and other data required to be approved by  legal acts regulating accounting . 


10. Delivery of goods 

10.1. When ordering goods, the Buyer can choose the method of delivery of the goods, that is, use the delivery service provided by the Seller or his authorized persons or pick up the Seller’s goods at the address specified by the Seller. 

10.2. Delivery of goods to the Buyer: 

10.2.1. The buyer undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the goods. 

10.2.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself. In the event that he cannot accept the goods himself, and the goods are delivered to the specified address and based on other data provided by the Buyer, the Buyer has no right to make claims to the Seller regarding the delivery of the goods to the wrong entity. 

10.2.3. The goods are delivered by the Seller or his authorized person. 

10.2.4. The costs of delivery ( transportation) of the goods in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania shall be paid by the Buyer in all cases. 

10.3. Collection of goods at the address specified by the Seller: 

10.3.1. The Buyer can pick up the goods free of charge from the Seller at the address specified by the Seller, only after prior agreement with the Seller , that is, before submitting the order for the goods to the Seller. 

10.3.3. The goods can only be collected by the person who placed the order or the person authorized by the Buyer to collect the goods. 

10.4. The Seller provides the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the product descriptions on the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com . These terms are preliminary and do not apply in cases where the Seller does not have the necessary goods in stock, and the Buyer is informed about the shortage of the goods ordered by him. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the delivery of the goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Seller. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and agree on the terms and conditions of the delivery of the goods and new deadlines. The buyer, who does not agree with terms other than those specified in the product descriptions on the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com , has the right to terminate the purchase-sale agreement concluded with the Seller and to recover (as soon as possible, but in any case no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from of the moment of termination of the contract) the money paid for the product. 

10.5. In all cases, the Seller is released from responsibility for the violation of the deadlines for the delivery of the goods, if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are delivered late due to the Buyer’s fault or due to circumstances beyond the Buyer’s control. 

10.6. During the delivery of the goods by the Buyer, the Buyer must check the condition of the item( s ) and sign the shipment transfer – acceptance document. After the buyer signs the shipment transfer-acceptance document, it is considered that the shipment is delivered in a suitable condition, there are no product damages, the basis of which cannot be attributed to a factory defect, and there are no discrepancies in the product(s ) package (such as can be determined during the external inspection of the goods). Having noticed that the package of the delivered shipment is damaged (crumpled, wet or otherwise externally damaged ) , the product(s) is damaged and/or the product(s) is not properly assembled, the Buyer must note this in the shipment transfer – acceptance document and draw up a free-form shipment and/or item( s ) violation/nonconformity report. If the Buyer does not perform these actions, the Seller is released from responsibility towards the Buyer for damage to the goods, if the basis for the occurrence of such damage is not a factory defect, and for inconsistencies in the composition of the goods, if these inconsistencies can be determined during an external inspection of the goods. 

10.7. The goods are not delivered to the following countries: Russian Federation, Belarus.


11. Product quality guarantee and expiration date 

11.1. The characteristics of each product sold by the Seller are generally indicated in the description attached to each product on the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com. 

11. 2 . The Seller provides a 24-month warranty for all goods (warranty according to the law), unless otherwise stated in the product description on the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com. 


12. Return and exchange of goods 

12.1. The buyer can return the goods to the Seller without giving a reason within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the moment of receiving the goods, if the goods comply with Rule 12.5. the requirements provided for in point In order to return the product, the Buyer must inform the Seller by e-mail. mail info@suspensionfellas.com. 

12.2. Defects of the sold goods are removed, low-quality goods are replaced and returned in accordance with the 2014 July 22 By the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania no. 738 of the approved “Rules of Retail Trade”. 

12.3. Products, which are manufactured according to individual orders of Buyers, are non-exchangeable and non-returnable. A product made according to an individual order of the Buyer is considered to be individually adapted to the buyer and the realization of such a product becomes fundamentally more complicated and/or impossible for the Seller.

12.4. When returning goods to the buyer, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions: 

1 2.4.1. the returned product must be in its original, neat packaging (this clause does not apply in the case of a defective product being returned); 

12.4.2. the product must be undamaged by the Buyer (changes in the appearance of the product or its packaging, which were necessary to inspect the product, cannot be considered as essential changes in the appearance of the product); 

12.4.3. the item must be unused, without losing its merchandise appearance (labels intact, protective film not torn off, etc.) (this clause does not apply in the case of a defective item being returned); 

12.4.4. the returned item must be in the same configuration as the one received by the Buyer; 

12.4.5. when returning the product, it is necessary to present the document of its purchase. 

12.5. The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer, if the Buyer does not follow the procedure for returning the goods established in this article. 

12.6. The Buyer can deliver the returned goods himself. If the Buyer does not have the opportunity to return the goods himself, the Seller undertakes to take the goods and replace them with similar suitable goods. In the event that the Seller does not have similar goods, he returns the money paid for the item( s ) to the Buyer. If the Buyer wants to refuse a high-quality unused product within 14 (fourteen) calendar days. The costs of returning the goods are borne by the Buyer . 

12.7. The return and exchange of goods is carried out in accordance with the 2014 July 22 By the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania no. 738 of the approved “Rules of Retail Trade”. 

12. 8 . In all cases, money for returned goods is transferred no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day the goods were returned to the Seller by payment order and only to the payer’s bank account. 


13. Liability 

13.1. The buyer is fully responsible for the correctness of the personal data provided by him. If the Buyer does not provide accurate personal data, the Seller is not responsible for the resulting consequences and acquires the right to demand compensation for direct losses suffered from the Buyer. 

13.2. The Buyer is responsible for the actions performed using the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com. 

13.3. After registering, the Buyer is responsible for transferring his login data to third parties. If the services provided by www.suspensionfellas.com are used by a third person who has connected to the online store using the Buyer’s login data, the Seller considers this person to be the Buyer. 

13.4. The Seller is released from any responsibility in cases where losses arise because the Buyer, regardless of the Seller’s recommendations and his obligations, did not familiarize himself with these Rules , although he was given such an opportunity. 

13.5. If the Seller’s website www.suspensionfellas.com contains links to the websites of other companies, institutions, organizations or individuals, the Seller is not responsible for the information or activities carried out there, does not supervise or control those websites and does not represent those companies and individuals. 

13.6. The Seller is not responsible for the proper performance of mutual obligations between the Buyer and the Seller’s partners, whose services the Buyer orders. 


14. Exchange of information 

14.1. The seller sends all messages according to 3.2 of the Rules. the procedure provided for in paragraph 1. to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer. 

14.2. The Buyer sends all messages and questions to the Seller’s e-mail address info@suspensionfellas.com . 


15. Final provisions 

15.1. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the purchased www.suspensionfellas.com products or the service provided, please notify us by e-mail. by mail  info@suspensionfellas.com . You can submit a request/complaint about goods or services purchased from the Seller on the website www.suspensionfellas.com to the State Consumer Rights Protection Service (Vilniaus st. 25, 01402 Vilnius, e-mail:  tarnyba@vvtat.lt , on the website  www.vvtat.lt ) or fill out the application form on the EGS platform http://ec.europa.eu/odr/ . 

15. 2 . Relations arising on the basis of these Rules shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 

15.3. All disagreements arising from the implementation of these Rules shall be resolved through negotiations. If an agreement cannot be reached, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. 

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